Image via Wikipedia
I laid down flat on my back and crossed my arms and like any other night started going through the images in my head, playing back the days events and even scanning my last moments before I laid down, I guess to see if I forgot something like locking doors or filling water bowls for my babies (Mini Schnauzers).
As I lay there doing this in my mind I started to doze off, but I remember wanting to go through the house one more time and as I watched myself walk towards the front door to see if I locked it I fell asleep, but I immediately woke up in what I guess is DreamLand and the weirdest thing about it was that I knew I was dreaming and that moments ago I had laid down to go to sleep, but I wasn't scared or disturbed by this but instead I was very curious as to what I could do in this world.
I found myself standing at the edge of a large wheat field or something similar and when I say edge i'm not sure I was on the edge but it seemed that way. The wheat or dry grass which was a bit yellow in color was about knee high and as I scanned the entire area looking around to see where I was I noticed an old Barn right smack in the middle of this large field. As I stared at it, I suddenly wanted to go there and check it out, explore it. This was the only thing I could actually see and I could see miles all around me so I think naturally I wanted to go there, but instead of running there or walking there, I found myself there instantly.
There I stood in amazement outside of this old barn which had a color of wood that was blackened a bit from rain or whatever causes that and I was so excited that a moment ago I was like half a football field away now just by thinking it I was right outside of this barn, pretty cool. The barn was in fairly good condition except it was missing a piece of siding, one board or tile was missing and so I thought I would look inside. I looked inside and saw someone laying down right in the middle of the barn and they looked awful familiar so I stared and tried to get a better look and to my surprise the person laying there was ME. Now I was starting to get a little weirded out, but naturally I wanted to go in there and get a closer look. I first tried fitting through the missing piece of wood siding and was having a hard time when I suddenly remembered all I had to do was use my mind but even as I thought that I laughed a little thinking " Yeah Right!" but sure enough as I thought about being there I was there, right next to myself.
So now I stood there watching myself asleep wondering what to do and I was laying in the exact same way I was laying when I went to bed, the area inside the barn was dusty looking and the floor seemed to be cement or something smooth. As I looked at myself laying there asleep a memory came to me about a friend of mine who believed in astral projection. I never really paid him much attention but one thing he told me one day really got my attention because it was scary. He said that he never left his body in a place where there was a lot of commotion because it made it hard to concentrate and get back into his body. I have always believed in that we are spirits in a body and that this life is temporary and that our spirits move on someday, but the idea of being lost somewhere in between was frightening and now I thought I was in that very situation and thought I had better get back into my body before I am lost or stuck in this weird world.
Now to figure out how to get back into my body, I had to think back to our conversations and try and remember what he told me. He said he would simply dive into his body and if all was well he would wake up in the physical realm, so there I was trying to dive into my body but I was afraid of hitting my face on the ground, I just could not see how this can work because I still felt physical. As I attempted to jump I was expecting something supernatural to happen and that I would automatically be sucked into my body, but it wasn't working. As I tried to do this over and over making a diving motion towards my body laying there on the ground, my mind wondered and thought about exploring some more.
Why would I leave now I reasoned, I can always come back later and try again or so were my thoughts. My next thought was of a convenience store I was at recently where I ran into some trouble as I thought about it I found myself right outside of this 7/11 looking inside wondering "what the hell am I doing here". What happen originally was I had gone in to a 7/11 convenience store to buy some beer but it was like a minute or 2 passed midnight which was passed the time period that they could legally sell me beer and besides that the clerk was in the back when I walked in to buy beer and as I waited being drunk already I was tempted to simply take the beer that was on the display because I kind of knew that they would not be selling me any beer that night, so I did just that, I grabbed 2 twelve packs and ran out of the door towards my friend's car which was parked on the side and as I approached I seen them get out of their car and start running towards me which made me slow down and as I did, I felt the weight of a human being tackling me down to the ground, beer went everywhere, spewing all over me and the store clerk who was on top of me.
I struggled to get this guy off of me when my friends arrived and I suddenly knew why they had started running towards me to begin with, they could see the clerk chasing me and they were coming to my rescue so to speak. Needless to say the clerk was outnumbered and received a good beating for which we were arrested for not long afterwards.
So, now I find myself outside this 7/11 again wondering why I was there and thought I would walk in and have a look around and as I did the same clerk was on duty and he recognized me and immediately reached for a gun and pointed it at me and I was like "What the Hell" and he pulled the trigger and shot me in the head, actually shot me in the left temple where I felt a slight pain but nothing serious. This was when I realized that I could see 3 dimensionally, I could actually see the hole in my temple from outside of my body and there was a throbbing where the hole was, where I had gotten shot.
Now that I am shot and I am examining my wounds I start to think I better get out of here and as I do this I am suddenly in a long hallway walking south and in the distance I can see someone coming towards me and I feel like I know them or I sense it and I am smiling as we get closer to one another. We finally reach each other and sure enough we know each other but to this day I cannot remember who that was, but I do remember what he told me, first he said wow you have a hole in your head and I told him I was going to go have it looked at and he said that was a good idea and that I should do that right away and as I thought about that I started to think about the barn and my body laying there and how I better get back there right away before I get stuck here in DreamLand forever and of course as I think that, I am suddenly there, in the barn standing over my sleeping body again.
I attempted to dive into my body a few times but that was not working and then I remembered another technique for beginners that was explained to me by my Astral Projection friend, I could sit at the feet of my body then simply lay back into myself, so I did just that and as I lay back I awoke but I was not in my room, but it was identical to mine. I sat up right away thinking I was awake and as I sat on the side of my bed I looked up and there was a mirror on the wall which I did not remember ever being there and as I looked into it the hole in my head was still there and this made me realize that I was indeed not awake yet, so I laid back down and as I did I awoke in reality this time in my own room and bed, but though I was awake I could still feel the throbbing on my temple which made me believe that this whole thing was a lot more real than I could ever imagine.
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