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Monday, July 26, 2010

You can't have anything in life until you GIVE!

How Great Is Our GodImage by bbaltimore via Flickr
If you ever dreamed about having it all and wonder why it seems so easy
for some but not for yourself then you have you to stop that because that
has nothing to do with you.

What you can control is what you do today and if desire to be or have
great things in your life then you have to provide great things for others.

You may be thinking how do I provide things that I don't have, well I
am here to tell you that you do have great things to give and one of the
main things is your time.

Take time out of each day and see what you can do for someone else
and what this does for you and others is Great Things. Giving to others
or to a good cause develops a genuine heart within you that keeps on
giving and as a giver the universe will always provide you with what to
give so you never run out.

God is Amazing! He put these laws into place not to hold us down but
to give us wings, to expand our horizons, to create great, life changing
things in the lives of those in need.

The laws are simple and if we live within these laws then we can do all
things, we become invincible, all things become possible and even the
very elements adhere to our call, we become influencers of whatsoever
we desire.

That's right the laws do not know good or bad, the laws simply reward
or discipline depending what and who you are. What and who you are
is what you think, speak and spend your energy on, so if you want to
know what your future is look to your thoughts, your words and how you
spend your energy each day and you will find the answer.

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